Simba Pipe Industries Ltd supplies wide range of products to the Infrastructure development in Tanzania. Our pipes are manufactured as per ISO standards and approved by Tanzania Bureau Standards (TBS).
We offer uPVC pipes as per ISO 1452-2 from 20mm up to 450mm and HDPE pipes as per ISO 4427 from 20mm to 630mm in various pressures rating from PN6 to PN25. We offer various jointing methods for PVC & HDPE pipes and an extensive range of fittings as well.
Simba Pipe Industries Ltd also offers uPVC BOREWELL PIPES for various applications of drilling such as domestic wells, irrigation wells, industrial wells, public wells, mining wells, etc. We offer comprehensive range of pipes for bore well applications to cater every need of bore well sector which includes Casing pipes of Plain threaded and Screen / Slotted pipes as per ISO 1452-2 standards. Slotted pipes can also be used for rainwater harvesting.